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Mother’s Day Celebration
  • Event Date: 13-May-2023
  • Updated On: 16-May-2023
  • Total Photo(s): 106
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Description: Event MOTHER'S DAY DAY : SATURDAY DATE : 13.5.23 Mother’s Day celebration was held in the school on Saturday through dance and creative art forms to pay regards to women who are raising children and shaping them as a good person. Little Flower Kindergarten , organised the Mother’s Day celebrations with great joy and enthusiasm. Kids were told that the day is all about to thank a mother for all the love she is showering and efforts she is putting in since the years. Kindergarten celebrated this special day with lots of fun activities and some memorable performances. Children came up with their presentations, songs and dance, to convey gratitude to their mothers for their unconditional love. Fr. Jeganathan, Principal, addressed and highlighted the multi-tasking abilities of super moms, from running homes as well as handling jobs . He also extended his greetings for the Mother’s Day to all mothers and educators and also addressed about the women empowerment. Thank you Happy Mother's Day