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  • Event Date: 24-Nov-2023
  • Updated On: 24-Nov-2023
  • Total Photo(s): 67
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Description: Little Flower Kindergarten *EVENT OF CHARITY LANGAR SEWA GURUPURAB CELEBRATION When I was younger I used to think Seva could be done Only in the LANGAR hall Serving food Washing dishes Making rotis But as I grew older And saw how much This world is suffering I realised I could do The same things Outside the LANGAR hall I COULD SERVE HUMANITY Charity begins at home but should not end there. Our beloved kids and parents We should nurture a sense of compassion and generosity in our relationships with those around us. We are back again with a striking objective to fill gaps to help humanity. The young and energetic generation of playgroup, Lkg and Ukg are all set to serve the members of the society. LANGAR SEWA expresses the ethics of sharing, caring and kindness eliminating hunger by feeding all. HOLY DAY TO SERVE HOLY CAUSE** Day : Friday Date : 24.11.23 HONORABLE GUESTS Fr. FRANCIS Fr. JEGANATHAN __________ Message of the event INHALE GOD EXHALE WORRIES __________ Langar for kids LEARNING OUTCOME The concept of Langar is to provide everyone in need of food, irrespective of their caste, class, religion and gender, is always welcome as the Guru's guest. Besides the virtue of sharing, the concept of Langar also teaches equality and loving-kindness. Thanks